Harrogate International Festivals is a charity. This means that UK taxpayers can make their gifts go further in a number of ways:
Gift Aid enables the Festivals to reclaim the basic rate of tax, whilst higher rate taxpayers can reclaim the difference between the basic rate and their top rate of tax, on the value of a donation.
Gifts of Shares: qualifying shares can be donated to the Festivals, enabling the donor to deduct the full value of the shares at the date of transfer from their taxable income.
Gifts in Kind: or items such as works of arts can be made. Generally these will be sold and the sum realised will go towards the Appeal.
Appeal pledges can be structured over a number of years, enabling you to achieve more than you may have imagined.
You may also wish to consider support beyond the Appeal.
Legacy gifts are an important way of contributing to the future of Harrogate International Festivals.
Harrogate International Festivals is an award winning partner for corporate and business sponsorship. We offer an exclusive platform, where your business can have a meaningful interaction with your target audience. Visibility builds trust. It builds your reputation. Supporting the Future 50 Appeal gives you a valuable association with an invaluable legacy.
Levels of giving – how your gift can help us reach the Appeal Target

This chart provides a simple overview of the number and size of gifts we are seeking. It shows how our target of £1m breaks down and how individual contributions of any size will play a vital part in realising our ambitions.
For more information about giving, contact Sharon Canavar at the Festival Office.