The Writing Life Scientific

  • Saturday 24th July, 2pm
  • Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate
  • Tickets: £13
  • Please note that all bookings are subject to a £1.75 transaction fee.

In a world of armchair epidemiologists and part-time pathologists, how do authors keep one step ahead of the ever-changing science as well as the Karens and Keiths? Our panel of experts and writers will examine the data.

Fiona Erskine, a chemical engineer to trade, is the author of the wonderfully titled Phosphate Rocks: A Death in Ten ObjectsLin Anderson is the acclaimed creator of forensic scientist Rhona MacLeod and a graduate of Glasgow University’s forensic course; Professor Niamh Nic Daeid is an expert in fire scene investigation, clandestine drug chemistry and explosives; A K Turner’s latest foray into crime fiction is Body Language, the first in a new series which has been described as a fresh take on the forensic pathology genre ; Lesley Kelly, author of the Health of Strangers series, will oversee order and analysis.


Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Sarah Vaughan has been replaced by AK Turner.