William Hanson | Just Good Manners

  • Friday 11 October 2024 | 6pm
  • The Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate
  • Tickets: £16

    Please note all bookings are subject to a £2.50 transaction fee.


No one makes such a fuss about good manners like the British, yet in a fast-changing world, few can seem to agree on precisely what the ‘done thing’ is, either. Sunday Times bestselling author and world-leading etiquette expert William Hanson shares his definitive guidance on how to charm in every situation, avoid social faux pas and celebrate our country’s distinctive way of doing things. With the perfect dose of inimitable dry humour, William shares witty and wry observations that bring modern manners bang up to date, from advice on the correct way to queue at the bar to when it is acceptable to wear a top hat.

The UK’s leading etiquette expert and Sunday Times bestselling author brings a joyful, witty and comprehensive commentary on modern manners, charm and all things ‘good and proper’.

William Hanson is a trusted authority on matters of etiquette, manners and good taste. Since achieving the title of ‘Britain’s Youngest Etiquette Expert,’ aged 16, now in his thirties, he has gone on to work with Royal and VIP households, coach diplomats, advise multi-national brands and businesses on correct form and protocol as director of etiquette training institute The English Manner. Hanson is a popular guest on various radio and television programs, including BBC Radio 2’s Steve Wright in the Afternoon, BBC Breakfast and ITV daytime. He sees that good manners are not just part of a bygone age but are in fact timeless and he strives to make them accessible and comprehensive to everyone.

‘An etiquette genius with a stunning eye for detail – he’s the only person who knows more about buffet suppers than I do.’ Camilla Long

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