The North Pole Post Office: Harrogate Branch, is opening for business on Thursday 16th November 2023 and will be running until Sunday 24 December at 3.00pm.

As the Elves wrap the presents, and the Reindeer practice their sleigh pulling, Father Christmas wants to hear from you.

Post your letter here at the North Pole Post Office, situated in front of the Harrogate International Festivals offices on Cheltenham Parade – which has had a magical North Pole makeover by the elves – and we’ll make sure your letter gets to the man himself.

Visit the post office completely for free and bring a sprinkling of magic to your Christmas.

Share your pictures with us at @BIDHarrogate and @HarrogateFestivals using the hashtag #HarrogateNPPO


Due to the high volume of letters received, please note that we will not be able to send a personalised reply.  However, you can download a letter from Father Christmas from our website using the QR Code located by the North Pole Post Office box.

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