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Family Song Time With HIF
Brighten your day during lockdown by singing along to some of your favourite nursery rhymes and songs as a family. Join in with our Family Song Time singing videos led by Frances and Lydia from The Songbirds – some of you may recognise them from our Musical Mums classes.
Remember, that singing out loud can improve your day and bring a smile to your face. Singing is a great activity to do with children, as they learn about the world around them, explore their voice and benefit from the calming nature of song. Happy singing!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star…
Sing with Lydia
I went to visit a farm one day…
Sing with Frances
Five little speckled frogs…
Sing with Lydia
One potato, two potato, three potato, four…
Sing with Frances
Grumpy face…
Sing with Lydia
Hide yourself from Mummy…
Sing with Frances
Incy, wincy, spider…
Sing with Lydia
I’ve got a happy face…
Sing with Frances
There was a choo choo…
Sing with Lydia
Let’s make a noise…
Sing with Frances
Hello everyone…
Sing with Frances
Twinkle, twinkle, little star…
Sing with Frances