Malcolm Neesam

28 June 1946 – 28 June 2022

Malcolm Neesam with his book about the history of Harrogate International Festivals, Music Over The Waters

The Board and Exec of Harrogate International Festivals were sad to hear the news that our Vice President Malcolm Neesam has died.

His enthusiasm for the work of the Festivals was unmeasured, taking a keen interest over the years and always passionate about great English composers and finding ways to ensure they were featured across the years. His interest and care for the Festivals explored new depths when commissioned to write a history of the Festivals for the 50th Anniversary, resulting in an exceptional book Music Over The Waters which charted the history of music at the spa leading to the establishment of the Harrogate International Festiva and our fifty year history to 2016.

Fiona Movley, Chairman of HIF said today: “Malcolm was a dear friend who was loved by us all at Harrogate International Festivals.  His historical knowledge of Harrogate was unparalleled.  He was a true gentleman in every sense of the word, and he will be greatly missed.”

Sharon Canavar, CE of HIF went on to say: “Malcolm has been a stalwart support to the Festivals over the decades and we are indebted to him for his work and kindness, not least his incredible and forensically researched book Music Over The Waters. An incredible gift exploring the past to help build our future’.

We send our deepest condolences to his family. Harrogate and our history is poorer for his loss.

Malcolm Neesam with Fiona Movely and Sharon Canavar