Berwins Salon North: Unwind & Evolve

  • Thursday 26th March 2020, 7.30pm
  • The Crown Hotel, Harrogate
  • Tickets: £16

Please note that all transactions are subject to a £1.75 booking fee.

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Three expert speakers deliver TED-style talks designed to change your life for the better. Presenting big ideas, and answering key questions in life, Salon was voted as number six in the ‘Top 100 Things to do in the World’ by GQ magazine.

To meet the speakers click on each name tab:

Today, ‘busyness’ has become a badge of honour. From sleepy students pulling all-nighters to meet deadlines, to exhausted parents working round-the-clock, we want to say we’re busy, yet at the same time we feel exhausted, unwell, and miserable.

Award-winning broadcaster, author and psychology lecturer Claudia Hammond explains why we should start taking rest seriously. Rest is different; it is how we unwind, calm our minds and recharge our bodies. Drawing on ground-breaking research into rest, Hammond explains why rest matters, examines the science behind the results to establish what really works, and offers a roadmap for a new, more restful and balanced life.

It is the very start of the human story: the Himalayas pulling up from the earth; the British Isles slowly forming; ancient seas giving way to land. What does that have to do with modern life today?

Professor of Science Communication at the University of Westminster Lewis Dartnell tells the ultimate origin story, and how our geography determined our destiny from the very beginning. From the first crops to the founding of modern nations, our Earth has an awesome impact on the shape of human civilisations.

Racism is real. We perceive race and we enact race, despite race having no foundation in science. But in a tumultuous period of fake news and divided politics, the appeal for science to strength racist ideology is on the rise. Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists obsessed with genetics and eugenics lurk online; modern DNA kits exploit the lost histories of African Americans descended from the enslaved for money; and even people who regurgitate ‘facts’ around race on social media promote unscientific prejudice.

Scientist and broadcaster Adam Rutherford makes the case against race, where science is at risk of being marshalled to erroneously justify political ideologies. Let him give you the tools against the misuse of science to justify bigotry.

Our host for the evening Helen Bagnall is best-known as an award-winning writer, curator, and director of the Salon London series.

She has been running life-changing evenings in London since 2008 when she was inspired to create an evening where you could learn more about science, the arts, psychology, and pick up new skills, in a comfortable intimate environment. Helen went on to launch the immersive ALSO Festival in Warwickshire and, of course, Berwins Salon North with Harrogate International Festivals.

‘The mind never stops, but if we relinquish control, let it go wherever it will, we feel less stressed, less put upon’  Claudia Hammond

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