Our HIF+ education and outreach programmes provide high quality free to access arts opportunities for young people and adults as we believe that the arts can change lives. We offer the opportunity for participants to engage with top class professionals, published authors and passionate musicians enabling them to learn about and to participate in the vital role of the arts in the world and the role that the arts can play in improving their own lives.

Harrogate is often perceived as a very wealthy town but this perception hides much deprivation with areas of poverty often masked in general statistics by the apparent wealth of the district.  However over 1,500 households in the town are considered as within the 10% most deprived in England. We provide arts for all ensuring no-one is forgotten, or left behind.

Statistics show that schools are increasingly unable to supply high quality arts provision, with a 15% reduction in the number of hours taught for arts subjects and in addition to this 30% fewer under 10s are participating in out of schools arts activities. This illustrates the worrying trend that the arts is on the decline in the national curriculum.

Our vision is to help create a brighter, healthier, happier future for the local communities through the power of an inclusive arts programme. The arts can provide a path of social inclusion, and by providing a more fulfilling, creative and exciting education, whilst raising confidence, educational attainment and aspirations we engage and motivate participants preparing young people for a productive future; facilitating their growth as an individual.enjoyment and aspiration of the arts to raise confidence and success through experiences that leave a lasting impact on their lives.

  • We create programmes to engage vulnerable young people in music, science and literacy.
  • We attract over 90k people to our portfolio of live and digital activity.
  • We offer over 100 learning and participation events for young people throughout the year.
  • We deliver music participation events across rural areas.
  • We have supported over 30 emerging musicians and 50 emerging writers.